Preventing harassment, Sexual Gender-based Violence (SGBV) and abuse against
female refugees
Let us address sexual gender-based violence against migrant women
collaboratively and advocate for solutions to address this critical issue.
Our project BSAFE aims to prevent and combat all forms of gender-based violence (GBV) against vulnerable women who have become displaced and have been forced to leave their countries of origin due to conflict.
After the large-scale invasion of Ukraine launched by the Russian Federation, nearly 4 million people, mainly women and children, had been forced to leave their country in less than a month. Although GBV can potentially affect any person, man or woman, boy or girl, it has been repeatedly documented that refugees, asylum seekers and displaced people, particularly women and children are at much higher risk of becoming victims. A study conducted in 2012 highlighted that 69.3% of female migrants and refugees, have experienced sexual and GBV since they entered Europe, often facing the danger of falling victims to prostitution or human trafficking.